Veeva Claims Pack Copy Management provides users with the ability to manage all content that appears on packaging labels. Brand marketers can create and manage content such as claims, logos, corporate addresses, or usage instructions and organize the pack copy content by levels and panels.

Users can specify a pack copy as a global pack copy and generate local pack copies from the global pack copy based on multiple location selections. Before generating local pack copies, users can check to see if any elements are missing localizations. Translators can review element text and provide translations of these localized elements.

Pack Copy Management is automatically active on all Veeva Claims Vaults. Veeva Claims allows you to edit and add to your application data model by customizing standard objects, creating custom objects, and configuring object relationships. You can also configure business rules using lifecycle and workflow options.

Pack Copy Management Objects

Veeva Claims uses the following core objects to support Pack Copy Management:

  • Pack Copy (pack_copy__v): This object represents a pack copy and contains information about the product to which the pack copy applies, the location for the pack copy, and whether a pack copy is global or local.
  • Packaging Level (pack_level__v): This object represents the packaging level.
  • Panel (panel__v): This object represents pack copy panels.
  • Element (element__v): This object represents the text or image content to use on packaging and contains information about the element language, location, global element (for local elements), and local adaptation information.
  • Panel Element (panel_element_join__v): This object joins the Panel and Element object and allows multiple elements to be associated with one (1) or more panels.
  • Country Language (country_language_mapping_object__v): This object represents which languages are applicable to each country. This information is used to determine the languages in which translations are required for a local pack copy.

Configuration Overview

Configuring your Vault to use Pack Copy Management involves the following steps:

  1. Configure object layouts
  2. Add values to picklists
  3. Configure localize pack copy
  4. Configure object lifecycles
  5. Configure object actions
  6. Configure Panel Element hierarchical copy
  7. Optional: Review mismatched Panel Element records
  8. Configure user permissions

Configuring Object Layouts

You must modify object layouts so that users can access functionality.

Pack Copy Field

We recommend adding the Pack Copy field to the Panel object layout. When users create a new Panel record, Vault automatically populates the Pack Copy field with the applicable grandparent Pack Copy record (the parent of the Panel record’s parent Packaging Level). This field is system-managed and cannot be modified by users.

Define Package Levels and Panels Section

The Define Package Levels and Panels section allows users to create a Pack Copy record, Packaging Level records, and Panels from a single dialog or page. You must insert the Define Package Levels and Panels section to the Pack Copy object layout.

To insert the Define Package Levels and Panels section to the Pack Copy object layout:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Pack Copy > Layouts > [Layout].
  2. Insert the Define Package Levels and Panels control section with the slider (Slider Icon) icon to the object layout.
  3. In the Define Package Levels and Panels dialog, you can make the following changes:
    • Optional: Change the Section Label.
    • Optional: In the Show the section only in these lifecycle states field, select one (1) or more lifecycle states. This option only appears if the object uses a lifecycle.
    • Optional: Enter Section Help content to provide the user with any relevant information. Help content appears below the section label.
  4. Click Done.

Hierarchy Section

The Hierarchy section allows users to view and navigate the hierarchical relationship between Pack Copy, Packaging Level, and Panel records. We recommend inserting the Hierarchy section to the Pack Copy, Packaging Level, and Panel object layouts so that users can access the hierarchy viewer regardless of the object or section from which they click into the hierarchy.

To insert the Hierarchy section to object layouts:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Objects > [Object] > Layouts > [Layout].
  2. Insert the Hierarchy control section with the slider (Slider Icon) icon to the object layout.
  3. In the Add Hierarchy dialog, you can make the following changes:
    • Optional: Change the Section Label.
    • Optional: In the Show the section only in these lifecycle states field, select one (1) or more lifecycle states. This option only appears if the object uses a lifecycle.
    • Optional: Enter Section Help content to provide the user with any relevant information. Help content appears below the section label.
    • Optional: Select the Expand the section by default checkbox so that the section is always open when users open the object records.
  4. Click Done.

Bulk Add Element User Input Layout

The Bulk Add Element User Input object is used on the Details (Step 4) page when users run the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action to add Elements to Panels. You must modify the Bulk Add Element User Input object layout so that users can use the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action:

  • Remove the Panel (panel__v) field from the object layout.
  • Add the Select Panels (select_panel__v) control field with the slider (Slider Icon) icon.
  • Optional: Remove or hide any unnecessary fields. We suggest hiding all fields except the Pack Copy and Select Panels fields.

Adding Values to Picklists

Pack Copy Management includes the following picklists:

  • Pack Copy Type: This picklist contains values for specifying the type of pack copy, and is used when users create a Pack Copy record.
  • Pack Level: This picklist contains values for specifying the pack level, and is used when users Create Pack Copy.
  • Pack Type: This picklist contains values for specifying the packaging type, and is used when users Create Pack Copy.
  • Panel: This picklist contains values for specifying the type of panel, and is used when users Create Pack Copy.
  • Element Type: This picklist contains values for specifying the type of elements, and is used when users create Elements. You can define localization settings for specific types included in this picklist.
  • Location on Panel: This picklist contains values for specifying where to put an element on a panel, and is used when users create Elements.
  • Language (country_language__v): This picklist contains language values in country-language mappings, which are used when users generate localized pack copies. This picklist contains values also used for Element language and Statement language.

You can add values to these picklists to suit your organization’s needs.

Configuring Localize Pack Copy

The Pack Copy object contains the Localize Pack Copy action, which allows users to generate a Local Pack Copy record from a global Pack Copy record and to check for missing localizations. Users can select the elements for which to create local element placeholders for specified locations in the Localize Pack Copy dialog. See Configuring Localize Pack Copy for details.

Configuring Lifecycles

Your Vault includes lifecycles on the Element and Pack Copy objects, which you can configure to suit your organization’s needs.

Element Lifecycle

Your Vault must be configured with a lifecycle enabled on the Element object in order to configure the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action.

Pack Copy Lifecycle

Pack Copy Lifecycle is an object lifecycle, which applies to all Pack Copy object records. Newly-created objects begin in the New state and have other states of: Approved, In Translation, Translated, and Rejected. You can add custom lifecycle states to suit your organization’s needs.

You can configure and use state changes as simple actions to move projects from one (1) state to another and also configure custom workflows to suit your specific needs.

Configuring Object Actions

Pack Copy Management includes several object actions to help users manage pack copy.

Clone Pack Copy

The Pack Copy object contains the Clone Pack Copy action, which allows users to clone a Pack Copy record and its associated Packaging Level and Panel records, as well as create new Element join records. For Elements, the Clone Pack Copy action creates new join records to the elements referenced in the Pack Copy record from which the copy was made. As best practice, users should modify the title of the new Pack Copy record after cloning.

Review the following behavior regarding the process of cloning a Pack Copy record:

  • Vault automatically inserts “[Copy n of]” to the cloned Pack Copy record title.
  • The cloning process adheres to the permissions of the user who initiated the action, allowing the user to view and copy only the records to which they have Read and Edit access.
  • If your configuration has enabled object types for the Pack Copy object, the cloning process regarding the combinations of selected or not selected values for the attributes Values must be unique and Users must always enter a value (required) is the same as detailed in the table below; however, for any field that has both Values must be unique and Users must always enter a value (required) selected on only the object type (and not on the base object type), Vault skips the Pack Copy and Packaging Level objects in the cloning process but creates the Panel records and Element join records, and copies the field.
  • If your configuration has enabled object types for the Pack Copy object but the field Copied From Pack Copy is not enabled on the object type, the value for Copied From Pack Copy is not set during the cloning process.

Review the following table regarding custom fields on the Pack Copy object with varying combinations of required and unique attribute values:

If Users must always enter a value (required) is… And Values must be unique is… Then…
Selected Not selected Vault copies the field
Not selected Selected Vault copies the Pack Copy and Packaging Level records but not the field value. Vault creates the Panel records and Element join records, and copies the field
Not selected Not selected Vault copies the field
Selected Selected Vault skips the Pack Copy and Packaging Level objects in the cloning process but creates the Panel records and Element join records, and copies the field

To configure the Clone Pack Copy action:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Pack Copy.
  2. On the Actions tab, click Create.
  3. In the Create Action dialog, select Clone Pack Copy.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Optional: Type a Description of the action.
  6. Click Save.

About DAC for Objects

When users create a new Pack Copy record by running the Clone Pack Copy action, Vault sets the Vault Owner group as the owner of the new Pack Copy record and its generated child records.

If you configure DAC on the Pack Copy object, Vault assigns the current user as the owner of the generated Pack Copy record. For Vault to set the current user as the owner for the generated child records, you must configure DAC for the following objects:

  • Packaging Level
  • Panel
  • Panel Element

Auto Create Element

The Claim object contains the Auto Create Element action which, when configured, creates an Element record of type Claim when a Claim record moves into a specified lifecycle state. The new Element record contains a reference to the Claim record from which the Element record was created in the Claim field.

When configuring the Auto Create Element action, you must have Execute permission for the action, Create permission on the Element object, and Read permission on the Claim object. If you configure the action without the appropriate permissions, the action will fail to run when Claim records move into the specified lifecycle state.

Review the following behavior regarding the process of automatic Element creation:

  • The Name field on the newly-created Element is automatically generated during creation, and the Element Type field is set to Claim; all other fields on the new Element record are blank.
  • If your Vault has object types enabled for the Element object, newly-created Element records are of the specified default object type.
  • If your Vault has an existing Element record that references the Claim record, the action does not create a duplicate Element record or override the existing Element record; an element record is not auto-created.
  • Newly-created Element records do not have an associated global element.

Depending on your business needs, you can:

Bulk Add to Pack Copy

The Element object contains the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action, which allows users to add Elements to multiple Panels related to a user-specified Pack Copy, generating new Panel Element join records. If applicable, this action also generates new system-managed Usable Element Location records to associate generated local Elements to the Location of the Pack Copy. To configure the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action:

  1. Assign the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action to the Element object and select the Available in All Lifecycle States checkbox to apply atomic action security defaults for the applicable lifecycle states.

  2. Add the action as a user action to the applicable states of the Element object lifecycle.

Configuring the Bulk User Input Object Cleanup Job

When users run the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action, Vault collects the user’s Pack Copy and Panel selections using the Bulk Element User Input object and creates temporary Bulk Element User Input records for the Pack Copy selected by the user on the Details (Step 4) page.

The Bulk User Input Object cleanup Job deletes the temporary user input records created more than 24 hours before the Bulk Add to Pack Copy job runs. You can schedule the Bulk User Input Object cleanup Job to run at a specific time. We recommend that you schedule this job to run daily. The job also deletes temporary user input records related to claim substantiation and comments.

Reviewing Mismatched Panel Element Records

The Pack copy and elements mismatched type Job identifies all Panel Element records for mismatched local and global Elements and Pack Copies. To run the job and review all mismatched records:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Operations > Job Definitions.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Title.
  4. Optional: Define the Schedule and Time.
  5. Change the Status to Active.
  6. For Type, select SDK Job.
  7. In the Job drop-down, select Pack copy and elements mismatched type Job ( (Pack copy and elements mismatched type Job)).
  8. Click Save.
  9. After the job runs, navigate to Admin > Operations > Job Status.
  10. For the completed Job ID in the History section, click the Actions menu and select Download Log.

The log file includes up to 50,000 mismatched records, which lists each combination of mismatched Pack Copy, Panel Element, and Element IDs. We recommend updating all records as applicable and then rerunning the job to ensure you’ve made all necessary changes.

Configuring Panel Element Hierarchical Copy

You can configure your Vault to enable users to copy the hierarchy of related child Panel Elements when copying Panel and Element records. To do this, select the Allow hierarchical copy checkbox for the Panel and Element fields on the Panel Element object.

Configuring User Permissions

You must ensure users have the appropriate read and create permissions to access the appropriate objects and object fields in addition to the permissions outlined below:

Packaging Level & Panel Object Creation

Users must have Edit permission on the following object fields in order to create and relate multiple related Packaging Level and Panel object records simultaneously:

  • On the Packaging Level object: the Pack Level picklist field and Pack Type picklist field.
  • On the Panel object: the Panel picklist field.

Clone Pack Copy Action

For users to run the Clone Pack Copy action, they must have Create permission on the Pack Copy object as well as Execute permission for the Clone Pack Copy object action. In addition, users should be granted Read permission on any custom fields.

Bulk Add to Pack Copy Action

For users to run the Bulk Add to Pack Copy action, they must have Create permission on the Bulk Element User Input and Panel Element objects as well as Read permission on the Pack Copy, Packaging Level, and Panel objects.

Panel Element Hierarchical Copy

For users to copy the hierarchy of Panel Elements when copying Panel and Element objects, they must have Read permission on the Panel Element object.

Hierarchy Viewer & Navigator

For the Hierarchy section to be visible to users, users must have Read access to at least one (1) object in the hierarchy; however, ideally users should have access to all objects in the hierarchy: Pack Copy, Packaging Level, and Panel. For the columns in the hierarchy to be visible to users, they must have Read access to the object fields which display in columns for each object in the hierarchy:

  • For Pack Copy objects: Pack Copy ID, Pack Copy Type, Title.
  • For Packaging Level objects: Pack Level ID, Packaging Level, Pack Type.
  • For Panel objects: Panel ID, Panel.

If a user does not have access to any of the objects in the hierarchy, the section does not appear in the object layout. If a user has access to only some but not all objects in the hierarchy, the section appears but users can see only objects to which they have read access. If a user does not have access to a particular object field, the column does not appear.

If object types are enabled, users must have Read permission on all object types of the objects in the hierarchy for the section to be visible.

You can complete all the steps in this article with the standard System Administrator or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Controls
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Object Lifecycles: Create, Edit Ability to create and modify object lifecycles.
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Objects: Create, Edit Ability to create and modify Vault objects.
Security Profile Admin: Security: Permission Sets: Edit Ability to modify permission sets for users.