Registration & Dossier Management allows you to create Object Mapping MDL components with Field Mapping subcomponents to automate field population of certain records. You can map field values between a source and target object so that records created or populated from supported actions contain the same field values as related source records. You can also link an Object Mapping to a Relational Token so that Vault automatically populates mapped fields based on token resolution when a supported action runs. For example, you can map the ID field on the Claim object to an object reference field on the EDL Item object, then link the mapping to a Relational Token. When users run the Generate Requirements action on a Registration Item record, Vault automatically populates the object reference field on all generated EDL Item records with the same values in the Claim source object based on token resolution.

You can also use MDL to create Object Mappings with Field Mappings. See About RegulatoryOne Component Types for more details.

About Supported Actions

The following actions populate object records based on Object Mappings:

Creating Object Mappings & Field Mappings

You must first create an Object Mapping that identifies the source and target objects. Then you can create Field Mappings for that Object Mapping that map specific fields on those objects. When users run supported actions, Vault automatically populates the fields in target object records with the same value as the source object record. Some supported actions require you to link the Object Mapping to a Relational Token in order for Vault to automatically populate fields based on token resolution.

All objects and fields referenced in Object Mappings and Field Mappings must be active. When entering specific object field names, you must enter the values in “Field.[field_name__v]” format. For example, Field.name__v.

You can map multiple fields between two (2) objects but can only map fields of the same data type. For example, you can map a text type to a text type or a number type to a number type but cannot map a text type to a number type. Vault does not support Field Mappings for lookup or formula fields, nor object fields that reference fields on the Document object.

To create an Object Mapping with Field Mappings:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Object Mapping.
  2. On the All Object Mappings page, click Create.
  3. Enter a unique Name. Vault automatically adds the __c suffix to the Name you enter.
  4. Enter a unique Label. This field does not support spaces.
  5. Select a Source Object. To use this Object Mapping to populate Registration fields, you must select the Registration Item object.
  6. Select a Target Object. To use this Object Mapping to populate Registration fields, you must select the Registration object. To link this Object Mapping to a Relational Token, you must select the applicable supported object.
  7. Specify if the Object Mapping is Active. If you select No, Vault ignores the inactive Object Mapping when supported actions run.
  8. Click Save to create the Object Mapping and reveal the Field Mappings section.
  9. Expand the Field Mapping section and click Create.
  10. In the Create Field Mapping dialog, enter a unique Name.
  11. Select the same Source Object you selected for the Object Mapping.
  12. Select the same Target Object you selected for the Object Mapping.
  13. Enter the name of an editable Source Field.
  14. Enter the name of an active and editable Target Field of the same type as the Source Field. If you entered Field.ID as the Source Field, you must enter a field in the Target Object that references the Source Object.
  15. Specify if the Field Mapping is Active. If you select No, Vault ignores the inactive Field Mapping when supported actions run.
  16. Click Save.
  17. Optional: Click Create to add additional Field Mappings to this Object Mapping.

Editing Object Mappings & Field Mappings

To edit an Object Mapping or Field Mapping:

  1. Navigate to the relevant Object Mapping.
  2. Optional: Modify the Object Mapping:
    1. From the All Actions menu, select Edit.
    2. Make the applicable changes.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Optional: Modify a Field Mapping:
    1. Expand the Field Mappings section.
    2. Click on the name of the relevant Field Mapping.
    3. From the All Actions menu, select Edit.
    4. Make the applicable changes.
    5. Click Save.

Deleting Object Mappings & Field Mappings

To delete an Object Mapping or Field Mapping, navigate to the applicable Object Mapping or Field Mapping and select Delete from the All Actions menu. Then, click Continue to proceed with the deletion.

Linking Object Mappings to Relational Tokens

You can link Object Mappings to Relational Tokens so that when users run actions that support Relational Tokens, Vault automatically populates mapped fields on target records with values from source records based on how the token resolves in supported object records and MDL components. See Defining Relational Tokens for more details about how to link an Object Mapping to a Relational Token.

Supported Actions

The following actions support Relational Tokens linked to Object Mappings and populate mapped fields based on token resolution:

Supported Objects

To link an Object Mapping to a Relational Token to populate mapped fields based on token resolution, you must specify a Source Object that matches the linked Relational Token’s Object. Relational Tokens support Object Mappings for the following Target Objects:

  1. Registration Item
  2. Requirement
  3. EDL
  4. EDL Item

Supported Component Types

To link an Object Mapping to a Relational Token to use in a Registration Attribute MDL component to support generating registration data for Local Impact Assessments, the Source Object must match the token’s Object and the Target Object must be Registration Item. See About RegulatoryOne Component Types for more details about how to create Registration Attribute components in MDL, which map Registration Item field attributes.

You can complete all the steps in this article with the standard System Administrator or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Controls
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Configuration: All Configuration Ability to create and modify Object Mappings and Field Mappings.
Security Profile Application: Vault Actions: API: Metadata API Ability to access the All Object Mappings page from the Application Configurations section of the Configurations page.
Security Profile Objects: All Objects: Object Permissions: Create, Edit Ability to create and modify Object Mappings and Field Mappings.
Security Profile Pages: All Pages: Object Mapping Details: View Ability to view the Details and Fieldmappings for individual Object Mappings.
Security Profile Pages: All Pages: Object Mapping List: View Ability to view the list of Object Mappings on the All Object Mappings page.