Registration & Dossier Management provides you with the ability to automatically create documents from templates for a dossier before generating a Dossier Binder. You can select the appropriate template for generated Requirements for which you want to create documents. When you run the Auto create document from template action on the parent Requirement, Vault automatically generates documents from the specified templates for the appropriate descendant EDL Items in the dossier.

Depending on your Admin’s configuration, object, field, and section labels may appear differently than the labels mentioned in this article.

About Creating Dossier Documents from Templates

The Auto create document from template action allows you to automatically create documents from a specified template for all applicable EDL Items in a dossier. When you run the action, Vault creates documents for descendant EDL Items that fit the following criteria:

  • There is no existing matched document.
  • The Document Template field on the grandparent Requirement is populated with a controlled document template.
  • The Use Source checkbox on the grandparent Requirement is clear, indicating either of the following conditions:

When you run the action on a root Requirement, Vault does the following:

  • Sets the Batch Update field to Yes on all parent EDL records with child EDL Items that meet the criteria.
  • Checks if any existing documents can be automatically matched based on matching fields. Vault adds any matching documents to the applicable EDL Items as automatically matched documents.
  • Generates documents for all EDL Items for the specified templates that meet the criteria and adds them to the applicable records as manually matched documents.
    • Populates matching fields on each generated document with the applicable values on the related EDL Item.
    • Sets the document type based on the Document Lifecycle Name of the grandparent Requirement.

Creating Dossier Documents from Templates

Before running the Auto create document from template action, you must ensure several required fields are populated appropriately. When configured by your Admin, these fields may already have default values. To create documents from templates for EDL Items after generating Requirements with EDLs:

  1. Navigate to the root Requirement for which you will generate a dossier.
  2. Review the descendant records in the Requirement Hierarchy Viewer.
  3. For each EDL Item for which you want to create a document from a template, select a Full Document Type.
  4. For each EDL Item for which you want to create a document from a template, ensure the following fields are populated appropriately on their grandparent Requirement:
    • Optional: Select a Document Lifecyle Name.
    • Select a Document Template. This document must be a controlled document template in the latest steady state.
    • Ensure the Use Source checkbox is clear.
  5. For each EDL Item for which you want to create a document from a template, ensure the following fields are populated appropriately,:
    • Select a Full Document Type. This value must match the Template Document Type field value of the Document Template you selected on the grandparent Requirement. If the Document Lifecycle Name field on the grandparent Requirement is populated, it must be the same value.
  6. From the root Requirement’s All Actions menu, select Auto create document from template.

Automatic Document Creation from Template

Depending on your Admin’s configurations, your Vault may automatically generate documents from a template based on Admin-defined criteria when the Requirement record enters a specific lifecycle state (such as In Progress) rather than, or in addition to, the Auto create document from template action being available to you in the All Actions menu. Change the state of the record from the Workflow Actions menu to trigger the entry action.


When Vault finishes creating documents, you’ll receive a Vault notification. The notification lets you know if the action was successful or if there were any errors. The notification includes details about which EDL Items were skipped because they already have at least one (1) matched document.


The following limitations apply to the Auto create document from template action:

  • The action creates up to 50 documents. The action fails if more than 50 descendant EDL Items fit the criteria for document creation.
  • The action can only be run on a root Requirement with no parent.