Registration & Dossier Management allows users to automatically populate certain fields on Registrations, including Registration Objectives, with values propagated from related Registration Items based on pre-defined Object Mappings. This allows users to quickly update Registration records with the appropriate data based on details they’ve already defined on relevant Registration Items.

Field Population Objects

Registration & Dossier Management uses the following core objects to support field propagation from Registration Items to Registrations:

  • Registration (registration__v): This object represents proof that validates clearance in a location and can be used over time using versions, stored as parent-child relationships. A Registration Objective type of Registration represents a snapshot of a registration and the related Registration Items at a specific point in time. A Registration can be the parent of multiple child Registration Objectives.
  • Registration Item (request__v): This object represents request to identify or scope out what needs to be done to market or sell a product in a jurisdiction. A Registration Item can be directly related to a single Registration.

Configuration Overview

Configuring your Vault to populate Registration fields involves the following steps:

  1. Create an Object Mapping with Field Mappings to map fields between the Registration Item and Registration objects
  2. Configure object layouts and object types
  3. Configure the Populate Registration Record action
  4. Configure the Registration object lifecycle
  5. Configure user permissions

Creating an Object Mapping with Field Mappings

You must create an Object Mapping with Field Mappings that map fields from the Registration Item source object to the Registration target object to specify which fields Vault propagates from source Registration Item records to target Registration records.

Do not map the Name field on the Registration object if it is system-managed.

See Defining Object Mappings & Field Mappings for more details.

Configuring Object Layouts & Object Types

Ensure that all fields you selected for Field Mappings are included on the Registration Item and Registration object layouts and assigned to all relevant object types.

If you’ve configured object types on the Registration object, you must add the Propagate Fields Job Status field to the Registration object layout. This field automatically updates to reflect the job’s status when users trigger the Populate Registration Record action.

Configuring the Populate Registration Record Action

After creating an Object Mapping with appropriate Field Mappings, you must configure the Populate Registration Record action on the Registration object and all relevant object types. When creating the action, select the Object Mapping you created in the Object Mapping field to specify how Vault will populate fields on Registration records.

Depending on your business needs, you can:

  • Add this action as an entry action on any Registration lifecycle state.
  • Add this action as a user action on any Registration lifecycle state.

About the Populate Registration Record Action

When users trigger the Populate Registration Record action on a Registration, Vault identifies all active Registration Items related to that record. For parent Registrations, this includes Registration Items related to all active Registration Objectives that are children of that Registration parent record. Vault then populates and updates fields on the Registration with values propagated from the related Registration Items based on the Field Mappings of the Object Mapping you linked to the action:

If the field value on all active related source Registration Items is… The mapped field on the target Registration is…
The same Populated with the same value on the related Registration Items
Not the same Cleared
Blank Cleared

Configuring the Registration Object Lifecycle

Ensure that there is an object lifecycle on the Registration object. You can add custom lifecycle states to suit your organization’s needs.

Configuring User Permissions

You must ensure users have the appropriate read and create permissions to access the appropriate objects and object fields in addition to the permissions outlined below:

  • For the Registration object: Edit permission, including Edit permission on the Propagate Fields Job Status field.
  • For the Registration Item object: Read permission.
  • Read permission on all mapped fields.

You can complete all the steps in this article with the standard System Administrator or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Controls
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Object Lifecycles: Create, Edit Ability to create and modify object lifecycles.
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Objects: Create, Edit Ability to create and modify Vault objects.
Security Profile Admin: Security: Permission Sets: Edit Ability to modify permission sets for users.