Registration & Dossier Management provides you with the ability to quickly create registrations (including registration objectives) in bulk. From an Event, you can find and select the appropriate Registration Items for which you want to create registrations, and optionally share Registrations across multiple Registration Items.

Depending on your Admin’s configuration, object, field, and section labels may appear differently than the labels mentioned in this article.

Defining Referenced Items

You may need to define certain items before you can create registrations in bulk. Ensure you have created all the appropriate Event records as well as the appropriate Registration Item records before proceeding to create Registrations.

To define referenced items:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate object.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter or select values for the appropriate fields.
  4. Click Save.

Creating Registrations

The Workspace section of an Event object record contains a list of Registration Items with columns configured by your Admin. You can filter on, and select, Registration Items for which you want to create Registrations. The Registration Items available for selection in the Workspace section include Registration Items that do not already have an associated Registration Objectives. Depending on your Admin’s configuration, you may only see certain types of Registration Items. You must be granted the appropriate permissions to be able to select Registration Items.

When you create registrations, Vault does the following for each selected Registration Item:

  • Creates a parent Registration and a child Registration Objective that represents the version of the Registration.
  • Sets the Version field of the child Registration to the value of “1”.
  • Relates the child Registration to the Registration Item.

Depending on your Admin’s configuration, you may be able to select the Share Registrations option before creating registrations. If you select this option, Vault creates and shares one (1) Registration and one (1) Registration Objective for all selected Registration Items. All Registration Items are associated with those specific Registration records.

Using Filters

You can add filters to narrow the scope of the Registration Items that appear in the section. You can filter on any of the Registration Item object fields configured as column headers by your Admin.

To add filters:

  1. In the Filter section, select a field from the drop-down.
  2. Choose an operator and field value, if needed. The values here depend on the field you select for the Filter.
  3. Add up to a total of five (5) filters by clicking the plus (+) icon. You can delete a filter by clicking the minus (-) icon.

How to Create Registrations in Bulk

To create registrations in bulk:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Event object record.
  2. Navigate to the Workspace section.
  3. Optional: Add up to five (5) Filters to narrow the scope of Registration Items in the grid.
  4. Select the checkbox for each Registration Item for which you want to create a Registration.
  5. Optional: Select Share Registration to instruct Vault to create and share one (1) Registration for all selected Registration Items.
  6. Click Create Registrations.

When Vault finishes generating registrations, you’ll receive an email and a Vault notification. The notification lets you know if the generation was successful or if there were any errors. You can then review the new items.