Registration & Dossier Management provides users with the ability to quickly create registrations in bulk. From an Event, users can find and select the appropriate Registration Items for which they want to create a Registration, and optionally share the Registration across multiple Registration Items. You can configure the way the section displays to users and the fields available for them to use to find and select the appropriate Registration Items.

About Creating Registrations in Bulk

You can configure the RegistrationCreationSection on the Event object that displays a grid of Registration Items for users, including the columns displayed in the grid. Users can filter on, and select, Registration Items for which they want to create Registrations and Registration Objectives. Vault automatically displays all Registration Items in the section; however, users can select only Registration Items that are not already associated with a Registration Objective and that have the Registration Objective field enabled. Users can then add filters to narrow the scope of Registration Items that appear in the section.

Users must have the appropriate permissions to be able to interact with the grid and create registrations using the Create Registrations button.

When users trigger Vault to create registrations, Vault does the following for each selected Registration Item:

  • Creates a parent Registration and a child Registration Objective that represents the version of the Registration.
  • Sets the Version field of the child Registration to the value of “1”.
  • Relates the child Registration to the Registration Item.

You can choose to hide the option for users to Share Registrations before they create registrations. If users select this option, Vault creates and shares one (1) parent Registration and one (1) child Registration Objective for all selected Registration Items. All Registration Items are associated with those specific Registration records.

Bulk Registration Creation Objects

Registration & Dossier Management uses the following core objects to support bulk registration creation:

  • Event: This object represents a planned occasion that might require regulatory activities to be completed before the event can take place.
  • Registration Item: This object represents a request to identify or scope out what needs to be done to market or sell a product in a jurisdiction.
  • Registration: This object represents proof that validates clearance in a location and can be used over time using versions, stored as parent-child relationships. This object contains information about the type of registration and version details.

Configuration Overview

Configuring your Vault to create registrations in bulk involves the following steps:

  1. Configure object page layouts
  2. Configure object fields
  3. Configure user permissions

Configuring the Event Object Page Layout

To allow users to create registrations in bulk, you must configure the Event object page layout to include the RegistrationCreationSection, which allows users to select the Registration Items for which they want to create Registrations. You can configure the Registration Item object fields to display as column headers for users in the section.

The following object field types are supported:

  • Component (for lifecycle states)
  • Date
  • Formula (where Return Type is Date, Number, Text, or Yes/No)
  • ID
  • Lookup (where type is Component (for lifecycle states), Date, ID, Number, Object, Object Type, Picklist, Text, Number, or Yes/No)
  • Number
  • Picklist
  • Text
  • Yes/No

You can optionally configure the section to hide the Share Registrations checkbox. By default, if you do not hide the Share Registrations option, users can select this option before creating Registrations. If users select Share Registrations, Vault creates one (1) parent Registration and one (1) child Registration Objective for all selected Registration Items, and relates all selected Registration Items to the shared Registration records.

To configure the registration creation section:

  1. In the Event object page editor, click Add Section.
  2. Select the RegistrationCreationSection control section with the slider (Slider Icon) icon.
  3. Enter a Section Label and Section Name. Only the label will appear for users. We recommend labeling this section “Workspace”.
  4. Optional: In the Show the section only in these lifecycle states field, select one (1) or more lifecycle states.
  5. Optional: Enter Section Help content to provide the user with any relevant information. Help content appears below the section label.
  6. Optional: Select the option to Expand the section by default.
  7. Select at least one (1) and up to 30 Registration Item fields to display as Request Grid Columns headers in the section. The order of fields you select is the order of the columns that display for users.
  8. Optional: Select Hide option to share Registrations if you want to hide the Share Registrations checkbox from users.
  9. Click Done.

Configuring Object Fields

You must configure fields on the Registration object as well as the Registration field on Registration Item object types in order for users to create registrations in bulk.

Configuring Registration Object Fields

Ensure you configure object fields on the Registration object appropriately so that when users click the Create Registrations button, all Registrations are successfully created.

The following table describes the default behavior of the success or failure of Registration record creation as impacted by the combinations of required and unique attribute values. Ensure you either do not set attribute values that will cause registration creation to fail for users, or adjust your configuration accordingly:

If Users must always enter a value (required) is... And Values must be unique is... Then...
Not selected Not selected Record creation will succeed.
Selected Not selected Record creation will fail because the create registration functionality cannot set a default value for the field during creation.
Selected Selected Record creation will fail because the create registration functionality cannot set a unique default value for the field during creation.
Not selected Selected Record creation will fail because the create registration functionality cannot set a unique value for the field.

Configuring the Registration Field

You must assign the Registration field to any Registration Item object type for which you want users to be able to create registrations in bulk. For any Registration Item object types that are not assigned the Registration field, users will see those records in the grid but will not be able to select them.

Configuring User Permissions

You must ensure users have the appropriate read and create permissions to access the appropriate objects and object fields in addition to the permissions outlined below:

  • For the Registration Item object: Edit permission including Edit permission on the Registration Objective field and Read permission on the following fields:
    • Registration Creation Job Status
    • Event
  • For the Registration object: Create permission.
  • For the Event object: Read permission.

You can complete all the steps in this article with the standard System Administrator or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Controls
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Object Lifecycles: Create, Edit Ability to create and modify object lifecycles.
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Objects: Create, Edit Ability to create and modify Vault objects.
Security Profile Admin: Security: Permission Sets: Edit Ability to modify permission sets for users.