
The Vault Mobile app allows users to log into Vault and work on the go from their mobile device. The app is available for download in the Apple and Google Play Stores in all countries free of charge. Downloading Vault Mobile does not require any additional Vault permissions. This video provides a brief visual overview of the new mobile app and its capabilities.

Version Support

The Vault Mobile app is updated three times a year in alignment with Vault’s General Releases.

Additionally, Vault Mobile supports the use of one previous major version of the app. Older app versions are not supported.

Language Support

The Vault Mobile app supports the same languages as the desktop version. Translations and locale formatting are based on your Vault settings with the exception of the Vault Date Format, which always uses the Numeric setting on mobile due to the size constraints of mobile devices. Additionally, Vault Mobile defaults to English on the login screen and in situations where it is unable to retrieve translations for your Vault language.

Downloading the Mobile App

  1. Before downloading the app, ensure that your mobile device meets the appropriate minimum requirements:
    • iOS 16.0+
    • Android 11.0+
  2. Open the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store on your mobile device.
  3. Search for Veeva Vault. You can also use these direct links to the store listing:
    1. App Store
    2. Google Play Store
  4. Install the application on your device.

Logging into the App

You must be authenticated into Vault Mobile before each use. You need an internet connection as well as your Vault credentials to complete the authentication process.

  1. Open Vault Mobile.
  2. Enter your Vault or VeevaID username and tap Continue.
  3. On the next screen, enter your password or corporate identity SSO credentials.
    • If your account uses SSO, you will be automatically redirected to your identity provider’s login page.
    • Depending on your security policy configuration, you may be able to use biometrics for future logins up to a certain length of time. When prompted, it is recommended that you allow Touch/Face ID to save time authenticating in the future. Administrators can learn more about this configurable security policy setting here.

The first time you log in, Vault Mobile prompts you to enable push notifications. This feature alerts you whenever a change is made to a favorited document or someone has shared a document with you via Send as Link in the web client (see Push Notifications for more information).

Using Vault Mobile

Vault Mobile is comprised of the following core navigational components:

  • Vault Selector: The list of Vaults you are able to view; you can also configure notifications from this screen
  • Library: The list of documents that are available for you to view and search
  • Tasks: The list of document tasks that are available for you to view and complete
  • Dashboards: The list of dashboards that are available for you to view
  • Notifications: The list of notifications you’ve received

Vault Selector

Upon login, the default Vault is the last Vault you accessed.

  • Tap the icon in the top left to change Vaults.
  • Use the Search bar to search for a Vault.
  • Tap the bell icon to turn on or turn off push notifications for the selected Vault.
  • At the bottom of the Vault Selector, you can see your name and a gear icon. Tap the gear icon to access the Settings menu, where you can view your app version number and a link to the privacy policy as well as the following other options:
    • Tap the Help (?) icon to access the online Vault Help Files for the mobile app.
    • Tap Sign Out to log out of the app.


The Library tab of the last Vault you accessed is the default page when you launch the mobile app. Available binders appear in the Library, but you cannot open or view them. You can use the Library to view and search for documents:

  • Select a sort order from the Sort by dropdown at the top right of the screen.
  • Select a view using the View dropdown below the search bar. The available views are All Documents, Recent Documents, My Documents, and Favorites as well as your saved views that are visible in your Library tab on Web.
  • Enter a document name or key term in the search bar at the top of the page to locate specific information. The app searches across document metadata and content. Regardless of what view you have selected, the app searches across all documents.
  • Tap on a document to view it and its corresponding metadata in a new viewer window. Any documents that you view in the mobile app appear in your Recent Documents on both mobile and web.
  • Tap the + icon to create a new document using your device’s camera.


The Tasks tab lists all tasks that are available for you to complete. While you can view all of your tasks, you can only complete document workflow tasks, including Read & Understood tasks, from within the app. The Tasks tab is separated into a Mobile section which shows tasks that can be completed using the mobile app, and a See All section which shows all of the tasks available to you.

  • Tap the Tasks icon in the bottom of the screen to view your available tasks.
  • Select Mobile to see only your mobile-supported tasks. This is the view you see by default when viewing the Tasks tab.
  • Select See All to view all of your tasks. Non-mobile tasks can be accessed through a mobile browser.
  • Tap the Sort and Filter icon in the upper right corner to sort and filter your tasks.
  • Tap a mobile task to view its Task Details page. From this page, you can do the following:
    • Tap Accept Task to accept the task (if applicable).
    • Tap a document in the list of related documents to view it. If the task is a Read & Understood task, you must open each document in the list before you can complete the task. If it is a multi-verdict task, you can provide a verdict for each of the documents.
    • Tap the icon in the upper right corner to open the task in your device’s browser. This is useful if you need to complete additional activities for the task that are unavailable in the mobile app.
    • Tap Complete to complete the task. Answer any prompts and then tap Submit. If the task is a Read & Understood task, the button will be labeled as Sign for Read & Understood instead of Complete.
      • To provide an eSignature, supply a secure biometric (e.g. Face ID or Touch ID) to provide an eSignature. If your biometric fails, you will have an option to manually type in your credentials.
  • Tap a task that is not mobile-supported to open it in a mobile browser.


The Dashboards tab shows a list of all the dashboards you can access.

  • Select a view using the View dropdown below the Dashboards heading. The available views are All Dashboards, Recent Dashboards, My Dashboards, and Favorites.
  • Select a sort order from the Sort by dropdown at the top right of the screen.
  • Tap a dashboard to view it. Vault Mobile displays all of the dashboard’s data in a single column. At this time, you cannot launch a report, edit, or share a dashboard from Vault Mobile.
  • Tap the Refresh icon in the upper right to refresh the dashboard.
  • If there are any filters for the dashboard, edit and apply them via the button in the top right.


On the Notifications tab, you can see a list of all your notifications, arranged from most recent to oldest. The notification tab icon displays a badge with the number of unread notifications you currently have.

  • Select Mobile to see only your mobile push notifications. This is the view you see by default when viewing the Notifications tab.
  • Select See All to view your notifications from both mobile and web.
  • Tap a mobile notification that references a document to open the document.
  • If you tap a web-only notification, a dialog will open prompting you to open your notifications in a mobile browser.
  • Tap the ellipses icon in the upper right corner and select Mark all as read to mark your notifications as read.

If you have push notifications enabled, they will appear on your mobile device when any of the following occurs:

  • Someone sends you a document link
  • One of your favorited documents is updated
  • A new document workflow task is assigned to you
  • Someone tags you in a comment
  • Someone adds a new comment to one of your documents

Favorite document notifications respect the notification settings in your User Profile. Additionally, notifications will only be sent for document lifecycle changes, version changes, viewable rendition uploads, and content uploaded changes made to favorited documents.

Sharing Documents

You can also share documents from other apps on your mobile device to Vault Mobile.

See the Vault Mobile FAQs page for more information.